6 Healthiest Ways to Lose Weight When You’re Already a Healthy Eater

Have you been researching the healthiest ways to lose weight or the best quick ways to lose weight? Do you plan to know the ways to lose weight from home as the coronavirus pandemic still lingers on?

It can be frustrating to have weight problems even though you do your best and succeed at eating healthy. You are to be commended for eating so well, even though you would still like to lose weight. Healthy weight sometimes needs a multi-dimensional attack. Keep eating healthy, but let’s talk about six other things you can do to increase your weight loss and reach your goals.

Healthiest Ways to Lose Weight

1. Get Active

Even with good eating habits, your metabolism might adjust itself to your calorie intake and you won’t have much energy. In order to boost your metabolism and use more energy than you are consuming, you need to get your body moving!

Try just 30 minutes, three days a week of activity, and see if you don’t start noticing the number on the scale to go down. After a while, you can introduce some more intense workouts including strength training or interval training to keep your body in high gear and continue to lose weight just as Mama June is making exercise a part of her routine.

2. Check Your Calorie Consumption

While it is true that what you eat is more important than how much you eat, there is a limit to this statement. If you are overeating good healthy foods and you don’t expend your calories, they can be turned into extra weight hanging on your body.

To check your recommended daily calorie intake, there is a simple formula used to calculate your BMR, or basal metabolic rate. This number is how many calories you would burn on a normal day without doing any extra activity. Of course, everyone’s body is different so this number could be off just a little bit but it is great to get an idea of how many calories you should be eating every day. Here is the formula, one for men, one for women:

Women: BMR = 655 + ( 4.35 x weight in pounds ) + ( 4.7 x height in inches ) – ( 4.7 x age in years )
Men: BMR = 66 + ( 6.23 x weight in pounds ) + ( 12.7 x height in inches ) – ( 6.8 x age in year )

3. New Information

The list of “healthy foods” is always changing. Some of what used to be considered diet foods are now on the “do not eat” list. You need to always keep yourself informed of the newest health information in order to make sure that what you are eating really is healthy. Also, don’t fall for the newest diets but keeps a balanced diet that includes the most natural foods possible.

4. Try Supplements

Sometimes all we need is a little boost. Supplements were created for just that! Of course, you still have to eat well and stay active but certain supplements, like Dr. Oz Garcinia Cambogia extract, raspberry ketones, and green coffee extract, can help to shed that last little bit of fat that just won’t budge, no matter how good you follow your diet.

5. “Low Fat, Low Sodium”

Eating boxed or bagged “low fat”, “reduced sugar”, or “low sodium” food items usually mean you are eating a lot of processed foods made to look healthy but aren’t really good for you. These types of foods can mess up your hormones, metabolism, and your body’s ability to lose weight.

6. You Are Too Strict

Instead of denying yourself any type of forbidden food, adopt a philosophy of occasional treats. Restricting your diet too much may result in out-of-control binging later. Eat healthy with a nice treat every once in a while.

7. Trying to Eat Healthy at a Restaurant

Restaurants can be just as tricky as food producers when it comes to the actual nutrition in their foods. Don’t just pick the healthiest looking or sounding item on the menu because you might be totally off. Many of the salads that restaurants order can have more calories than other menu items. Ask the waiter for the calorie and nutrition values of their menu items and then make your choice based on that.

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels

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