Doporučené cvičení těhotenství a bezpečné dítě Dodávka

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Recommended Exercises For Pregnancy

V minulosti, bylo konstatováno, že cvičení byla nebezpečná pro těhotné ženy a jejího nenarozeného dítěte; ale dnes, medical research shows fitness exercises are good for expectant mothers and their babies – and even recommended for their health.

If you are a pregnant woman, you will have observed that your baby gets more active the more you exercise or are active yourself, and your baby tends to sleep and remain inactive if you just put up your feet and consume popcorn forever in front of a TV. So there are 1001 benefits to fitness exercises for pregnant women, and the earlier you started on a recommended exercise regimen the better.

Not all physical exercises are suitable for pregnant women, and it is best to consult with your doctor before you embark on an exercise type of your choice. Remember any form of physical stress or exercises impact your health and that of your unborn baby, and that is why you must adhere to the following seven recommended exercises for pregnant women:

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Doporučené cvičení těhotenství

Příbuzný: Těhotenství Nemělo by zabránil vykonávat: tady 10 Nejlepší způsoby, jak to udělat,
  • Brisk walking: You must never underrate the power and benefits of brisk walks if you’re a pregnant woman. Brisk walks in the early morning and late evening provide you with both aerobic and muscle-strengthening benefits – helping your heart, lungs, and limbs
  • Plavání: If you have always loved to swim as a lady, then pregnancy is another reason for you to continue in your pastime. You will enjoy the weightlessness you will experience out in the water if your bump is averagely big, and the water exercise will be so great in exercising your arms, nohy, muscles, Nadměrný příjem soli je pro vás špatný a mohl by vést ke zdravotním problémům s vážnými komplikacemi, srdce, and lungs – plus the baby.
  • Jogging and running: It must be pointed out that jogging and slow running is best if you’re in your first and second trimester, but not so recommended in your third trimester unless of course you’re carrying out a specialist doctor’s instructions. Jogging is safe for you and tends to make your unborn baby very active and healthier.
  • Active dance: Who would have thought that active dancing is good exercise if you persist to the point of sweating and feeling your baby kick in your tummy? But it is. Tweaking, twirling, gyrating, stumping and anything that makes you lose yourself in the music is good exercise, but you must be careful not to overdo things if your pregnancy is delicate.
  • Yoga: You may not have known this, but yoga is great for pregnant women and good for the baby too. Yoga firms up your bones and flesh, giving you better flexibility and muscle tone. You must equally bear in mind that yoga helps you relax better and enables you to handle required breathing while in labour.
  • Pelvic floor exercise: If you find yourself leaking tiny amounts of urine each time you cough, sneeze or exercise as a pregnant woman, then you sure need to engage yourself with pelvic floor exercises to firm up your weak pelvis muscles. This will help you greatly the more your pregnancy grows and in days leading up to labour and delivery.
  • Stationary cycle: With a stationary cycle in the gym or on your patio, you can ride out as far as you desire and sweat as much as you want without leaving a spot. It must be noted that riding a stationary bike is not the same thing as actually riding a regular bicycle if you’re in your second or third trimester; normal bicycle may not be too safe to support your growing weight, but a stationary bike is much safer.

To learn more about the benefits of exercises in pregnancy and basic guidelines to help you make the most of your exercises while pregnant, you may want to check out Medical News Today.

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